დასრულდა PHP 8.3-ის თავსებადობის ტესტირება cPanel-თან და ჩვენ ინფრასტრუქტურასთან. PHP 8.3 არის ხელმისაწვდომი საზიარო ჰოსტინგის cPanel-ის ...
Testing to ensure compatibility of the PHP 8.1 with cPanel and our infrastructure is complete. PHP 8.1 is now fully available for cPanel Shared hosting clients. It’s safe to deploy the new PHP version from cPanel's MultiPHP Manager and take full advantage of it's new features for your applications. The new PHP 8.1 version is also available for ...
Dear Customers, Unfortunately PayPal has suspended our company account without any explanation. Until we are dealing with PayPal support, we temporarily suspend receiving payments via PayPal. All customers who's been using PayPal for payments are recommended to pay via Credit/Debit Cards. (you can still pay via card without any issues) Will ...